Necessary Dog Kayaking Gear
Rent a tandem kayak, we rent them by the day for just $55 and your dog will appreciate the extra room. Most people are on the river for a few hours and dogs are more comfortable if they can lay down for part of the paddle
Think about a canine life vest. Some people argue that dogs are natural swimmers and don’t need a vest, but some dogs really cant swim and just in case you tip your kayak you want them safe.
Please note that at this time we do not supply dog life jackets, we may later this summer on a 1st come, 1st serve call and check with us 541 999 6941
Bring your leash.
Bring your dog a snack for lunch and a few treats.
Putting a harness on in addition to their collar is a great safety measure. If your pooch falls out, it’s easier to pull him back into the boat by his harness. Dog life vests have great handles on them, makes it easier to haul your dog in and out of the kayak.
Finally, pack some water toys for him! Once you get back onto land, reward his good behavior with a romp in the water. He’s more likely to sit in the boat once he learns that good behavior earns him some water playtime.
Please note dogs are not allowed on the ocean beach from March 15 through September 15 due to an open sand nesting bird called the snowy plover, also people must stay in wet sand and not exit boat until the ocean wet sand beach. But no worries, there is 3 miles of river between our dock and the beach, and really no current going back. Just turn around with your furry friend before you get to the beach, paddle the other direction.
Note: Don’t forget to bring plenty of water, a small meal (for yourself too), and treats for Fido!